Today Walter, my Mum and I went shopping at Basildon Town Centre.
Tuesdays are food shopping day, so we did the usual shopping in Asda. Asda's one of them massive supermarkets that seems to sell everything lol! Walter thought it was wierd whilst looking round as there was nothing like what he had at home brand-wise! He especially liked the chocolate bars and the HobGoblin beer/lager. I told him he wasn't aloud to drink, so we gave that one a miss!
Being severely Obsessive Compulsive; I do alot of cleaning. Walter has become used to my weird cleaning rituals over the past few months, and kindly helped me pick out some anti-bacterial spray. I don't know what I'd do without that stuff! He chose Dettol. Nice choice - my fav!
We had a look round the other shops in the town, including one of my fav clothes shops - Punky Fish. It's one of them trendy clothes shops that sells punk type clothing. I was very tempted by a shirt/tunic thing in there, I really was. Walter said it looked nice, but I decided it made my bum look big so I didn't get it lmao!
We also visited Basildon Market, where I got some supplies from my fav haberdashery stall. I bought buttons and sequins today. Walter also sampled the delights of Lloyds bank. I hate that place so much lol! The Works was also visited - where we found some nice art supplies for Hilary!
I'm quite a religious person, and once a month visit our local church, St. Martins which is in the middle of the town. Walter got to see the church the other week, but this time he saw the inside of the church too. I didn't take any pics in there though - I didn't think it was appropriate!
When we got home we unpacked, and I started to sort out all the bits we had got Hilary over the past months. I found a nice box to send Walter and everything back in, and Walter said he wasn't looking forward to a long journey in a box lol! But I'm sending a friend back with him, so he has someone to talk to!
Tomorrow... Southend!
I'm glad you took him to you're church- it'll make him nice and cultured!