Sunday, 14 June 2009

Langdon Hills

It was warm today (which is weird!) so we decided to go for a stroll at Westley Heights, in Langdon Hills. It's a massive big park, with woodlands and meadows and stuff.

When we first arrived, there was a sign saying no horses or bikes allowed. It didn't say anything about dinosaurs, so we walked on! On our way round we saw some local wildlife; including lots of rabbits and some cows. Walter wasn't keen on the cows, so we didn't stand there for long.

After Westley Heights we went to One Tree Hill, on the other side of Langdon Hills. There were some great views there of the Thames Estuary. We thought we'd go and see the big sun dial they have on one of the hills, but when we got there some one had nicked it :o(. We had a good walk round through, saw a lagoon, more rabbits and a massive rabbit hole! Seriously, it was BIG!

At one point we had to go up these steps into the woods; and it was at this point Walter got a bit scared; at the time they looked a bit gloomy going off into the woods like that. But I reassured him, and he was very brave.

At the bottom of the stairs were these statues carved out of wood; one of a monk asleep and one of a snake. Walter thought they were funny so had his picture taken with them.

When we got home it was still really warm, so we had an ice lolly and sat in the garden. A pleasant day!


  1. Oooh I like the cows! Looks like fun!

  2. Walter wasn't keen on them cows! They got a bit too close at one point so we left lol!
